1. I once rode an ostrich... they are aggressive birds and it was a difficult task.
2. I donated my kidney to my 12 year old sister when I was 20. I didn't get to eat for a week I am still bitter about that J/k!
3. I have never broken a bone yeah! This is a big accomplishment considering my childhood!
4. Once in 3rd grade three 4th grade boys tried to beat me up because I beat them in a race... I gave two bloody noses and the other one I held on the ground by his hair till a teacher came. I was the only one not hurt and the only one that didn't get suspended from school.
5. I use to love mountain biking and have several scars to prove it. I haven't done it since having kids. I don't know if I am brave enough any more. I am not as fearless as I use to be.
6. I love to travel and have been on 2 different continents, 8 countries and 11 states!
7. We have moved 9 times in the 5 and a half years we have been married, I have moved 19 times in my life and we are planning another move in two months...please oh please let it be time for me to settle down and stay in one place for a while!
20. I am a curse to sail boats I have been on 3 and they all sunk...no fault of mine but I have since learned to avoid them.
21. I have been in two major car accidents. One was a roll over on the freeway my brother and I rolled two and a half times then skid on the side of the car 50 feet. We both walked away with out a scratch. The cop looked at the accident over and over again and said I can't figure out how you are still alive.
22. I once went a whole year with out sugar! I have tried since and can't even go a day with out it now.
23. I love anything creative...photography, drawing, painting, Scrapbooking, DECORATING!
24. Mike and I often look back wonder how we ever ended up getting married....in High school Mike hated me and his family called me devil woman (they still do sometimes). Once I tried to talk to him and while I was in mid sentence he turned and walked away. I thought he was stuck up and a jerk...He was friends with my brother and they both use to tease me endlessly...but in college I forced him to drive to Colorado with me because my mom wouldn't let me go alone and I could not get anyone else I tried my hardest. We have not been apart since.
25. Blue eyes have all ways been my favorite and as a kid I always wanted to have blue eyed kids. Since Mike and I both have brown eyes I thought for sure we had no shot at getting blue eyed kids but to my surprise and delight both my kids have blue eyes. I know Heavenly Father love's everybody but sometimes I think he loves me just a little bit extra...J/K!!!