Gwen started Dance classes on Wednesday's at the Legacy Center. She LOVES it she begs to go every day. It is so cute to watch her dance she has no grace what so ever but she does have lots and lots of passion!
Noah and Gwen just started preschool together at the legacy center! This is the only year they will both be in the same class so I hope they enjoy it! They have gone for 2 days now and both came home excited and couldn't stop talking about all the fun they had, which makes me happy! I am glad that they are in a class that they love! below are some pictures of their first Day aren't they just the cutest!
Noah is about half way through the soccer season. He has loved it but hasn't been the most agressive player. It has been fun watching the kids at this age play they are hilarious! Noah was on a team with his cousin Zach and refuses to play unless Zach is on the field playing with him. That has been a challenge for his coach!
Well after the move back to Utah I have neglected the blog, the summer has just flown by so I am going to finally try to catch up on everything I have not yet posted...
First in April Gwen turned 3! She had a Dora the Explorer Party it was so much fun. Nikkie was Dora she did a great job the kids were so into it!
In April me and the kids took a little trip to California with Yaya and Poppie. It was a blast, we went to the beach, Disney land and lego land.
Jet peed the bed so Noah and Jet got the bed to the selves everyone else ended up on the only other bed...ohh the memories!
The end of May we were finally able to move into our new house...we moved 4 times in 4 months and were so ready to finally have a permanent place to live we love our new house, and neighborhood and are excited to put down roots and be here for awhile!
In August...the hottest time of the year we decided to take a trip to Arizona to visit my Grandma, she has cancer and isn't doing so well it was so good to see her but she wasn't feeling well and I think having so many visitors was kind of hard for her. We love you Grandma and hope you get feeling better all and all it was a good trip!