Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our Journey back to UTAH!!

After almost two great years in Idaho Falls...Mike was laid off! This was a bitter sweet moment for Mike. He was scared out of his mind because the job market is so bad right now in his line of work, But he is so happy to be free of his very difficult boss. We tried very hard to find another job in Idaho Falls. We just moved houses two months ago and wanted to avoid another move, but there just wasn't any work there for us. After two weeks of mad job searching and much stress we finally found something back in Utah. So we get to be around our family and friends again...which is good we were hoping not to stray to far from the pack. We are looking forward to all the support and free babysitting that we get when we are around the Grandparents. We have been very sad to leave our friends in Idaho.

Noah talks about his preschool all the time and he is finally starting to accept the fact that he will not be going back there he still keeps trying to convince us to let him go visit. His last day at preschool all the kids made him a card and he makes me read it to him three to four times a day and then goes on and on about all his friends there. He get a little stary eyed when he talks about Anni he has such a crush on her. He always tells me that she is the prettiest girl!

Mike and I are so sad to be leaving the ward it has been our favorite! We had lots of wonderful friends and loved our little primary class. Good byes make us so sad! We will miss you all and hope to visit you soon!

1 comment:

kristen said...

We miss you too! Anni and McKay were very disturbed when we didn't pick Noah up for school yesterday=)