Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Noahs First day of Preschool

Well that dreaded day has finally come. The day when I send my first born to school for the first time and trust him to a stranger for a few hours. Noah started preschool on Tuesday, September 2. It was a little nerve racking he cried when I left, his teacher had to hold him back from running out the door after me. I had to hold back the tears myself but it had to be done. His teacher said he did fine and had a lot of fun once I left so that relived a little of my stress and we are ready to try again tomorrow I hope things go better this time. I am in a carpool so I wont even be taking him I will be home biting my nails and hoping everything goes well.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I can't believe he is that old! Congratulations Noah!